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Spinshot Pickleball Machine Drills

Drill Update September 2023

To get the best performance from your Pickleball machine, you should run the update for the Drill Maker app and save these new drills onto your machine.

This will update all the drill settings in Drill Maker and produce more consistent shots from your Spinshot Pickleball machine.

The following drills were created as an update to the original drill settings. 

Read the Pickleball Drill Update page for more details and instructions.

D1: Deep Serve BH (backhand)

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill Description:  The player should position themselves behind the baseline, in the middle of the backhand service box. Notice all balls should land in different areas in the service box. 

This drill is designed to return service from the backhand side of the court.    

D2: Deep Serve FH (forehand)

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill Description:  The player should position themselves behind the baseline, in the middle of the forehand service box. Notice all balls should land in different areas in the service box. 

This drill is designed to return service from the forehand side of the court.  

D3: Narrow Backspin Return

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill Description:  The player should position themselves in the center of the court, behind the baseline. The balls should land just to the right and left of the center court.

This drill is designed to work on your backhand and forehand, when returning backspins.

D4: Narrow Topspin Return

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves in the center of the court, behind the baseline. The balls should land just to the right and left of the center court. This drill is designed to work on your backhand and forehand, when returning topspin.  

D5: Deep Forehand / Backhand

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill Description:  The player should position themselves in the center of the court, behind the baseline. This is designed to work on your forehand and backhand shots. The balls are pushed farther away from the center of the court. This drill will make you cover more of the court when hitting your returns.  

D6: 3rd Shot Drop

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves in the middle of the court, behind the baseline. The ball should land to the right and left of Center Court.  The ball is a softer deeper shot. The drill is designed to work on 3rd Drop Shots to forehand and backhand returns.  

D7: Backhand Sequence

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves behind the baseline, in the middle of the backhand service box. Notice all balls should land in different areas on the backhand side of the court. 

The drill is designed to return serve, approach the net, and hit an overhead from the backhand side of the court. 

  • Ball 1 returns a deep serve and approaches the net.

  • Ball 2 prepare for a return of a drive behind from the kitchen line
Ball 3 prepare for a dink return

  • Ball 4 prepare for a dink return

  • Ball 5 prepare for a drive return
Ball 6 prepare for an overhead
  • 5 seconds delay and then the drill repeats

D8: Forehand Sequence

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves behind the baseline, in the middle of the forehand service box. Notice all balls should land in different areas on the forehand side of the court.   

The drill is designed to return a serve, approach the net, and hit an overhead from the forehand side of the court. 

  • Ball 1 returns a deep serve and approaches the net.

  • Ball 2 prepare for a return of a drive behind from the kitchen line
Ball 3 prepare for a dink return

  • Ball 4 prepare for a dink return

  • Ball 5 prepare for a drive return
Ball 6 prepare for an overhead
  • 5 seconds delay and then the drill repeats

D9: Overhead

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves in the center of the court, behind the kitchen line.

The balls should land random lobs over the heads of players.

This drill is designed to work strictly on overhead shots.  

D10: Random Dinking

Machine Position: Center of court behind baseline 

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves in the center of the court, behind the kitchen line. The balls should land randomly close too or inside the kitchen area .

This drill is designed to work on returns of the 3rd drop shot or kitchen dinking.  

D11: Cross Court Dinking

Machine Position: The outside edge of the court, near the kitchen line.

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves crosscourt of the machine, behind the kitchen line. The balls should land in different kitchen areas This drill is designed to work solely on crosscourt kitchen dinking. 

D12: Random Kitchen Dinking

Machine Position: Anywhere behind the kitchen line.

Drill DescriptionThe player should position themselves behind the kitchen line and facing the machine. The balls should land in different kitchen areas.

This drill is designed to work solely on kitchen dinking.