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Pickleball Drill Update

To get the best performance from your Pickleball machine, you should run the update for the Drill Maker app. This will update all the drill settings in Drill Maker and produce more consistent shots from your Spinshot Pickleball machine.

After you have run the Drill Maker update, you will need to save these new settings on Drill Maker onto your machine. We refer to this as "drill syncing". 

Once you have saved the new drills onto your machine both Drill Maker and your Pickleball machine’s drills will be synced with the latest drill settings.

Follow these instructions to save the new drills onto your new Pickleball machine. 

How to save the new Drill Maker drills to your new Pickleball machine 

  1. Update Drill Maker via the App Store or Google Play
  2. Power on the Pickleball machine
  3. Wait for beep to indicate the machine initialization has finished
  4. Connect your phone to the ball machine’s wifi (skip this step if your machine is a BT model)
  5. Press the play button on your machine, and then press stop (skip this step if your machine is a BT model)
  6. Open Drill Maker and press Connect
  7. Long press on Drill 1 to open the drill settings and press the Save button. A message will pop up to confirm the new drill settings have been saved to your machine.
  8. Repeat for all 12 drills

Your machine is now up to date with the latest drills. You may like to customize these drills further to suit your skill and fitness level. 


Helpful Hints

These new drills are designed for a 3.0 to 3.5 player. You can adjust the settings in Drill Maker to match your requirements.

To make the drill faster and more exciting, simply increase the feed rate.

If you find the drills are too fast, simply slow down the feed rate. 

The feed rate values are 1 through 10. The value 10 being the fastest ball drop and 1 being the slowest ball drop. 

What happens if the ball does not make it over the net?  

Simply raise the bal height and possibly the speed.

What happens if the ball keeps shooting long?  

Simply lower the speed and possibly the height, or add spin.